Audrey Wong

Mastering the Art of Medical Massage Therapy

Meet Audrey Wong, Certified Massage Therapist

With over 25 years of dedicated experience, Audrey Wong is a seasoned Certified Massage Therapist specializing in medical massage therapy and orthopedic manual therapy. Her passion lies in providing relief to individuals experiencing pain or restricted ranges of motion. Audrey's extensive training and mastery of various modalities make her a go-to expert in the field.

Specialized Modalities for Targeted Relief

Audrey's approach encompasses a diverse range of modalities, carefully selected to address specific needs and conditions. Her expertise includes:

  • Myofascial Release: Targeting the fascial system to alleviate restrictions and enhance mobility.

  • Neuromuscular Therapy: Focused on addressing muscular pain and dysfunction through precise techniques.

  • Positional Release Therapy: Utilizing comfortable positions to release tension and improve joint mobility.

  • Hendrickson Method Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilization Therapy: A specialized technique promoting soft tissue health and joint mobilization.

  • Cranial Sacral Therapy: Gentle manipulation of the skull and spine to enhance the body's natural healing processes.

  • Neuro- and Visceral-Manipulation Therapies: Targeting the nervous and visceral systems for comprehensive relief.

Tailored Sessions for Optimal Results

Audrey takes a personalized approach to each massage session, understanding that everyone's body is unique. Her goal is to restore functional flow, ensuring that each person experiences relief and improved well-being. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, limited mobility, or simply seeking relaxation, Audrey tailors her sessions to meet your specific needs.

Unveiling the Art of Healing

Audrey's expertise extends beyond routine massage therapy – it's an art form aimed at promoting healing and restoring balance. Her commitment to ongoing learning ensures that she stays abreast of the latest advancements in the field, guaranteeing you receive the best care possible.

Experience the Difference

Step into a realm of healing with Audrey Wong, where each massage session is a personalized journey toward well-being. If you're ready to experience the transformative effects of medical massage therapy, book a session with Audrey and embark on the path to optimal health.